
The values of the United States after 80

In recent years, the survival of the state on the 80, values and other issues often become the focus of public opinion, various new terms are also emerging, such as paycheck to paycheck, Neet, family dwelling, wheat Pocket family, reflecting the awkward situation of this generation. U.S. 80 is not too much before reaching the "buy", "looking for work," the trouble? Earlier this year, the Pew Research Center(Pew) released a report on the investigation report of the United States after 80, rather reference value.

Survey, after the United States called for 80 "buy", "fame", "successful marriage", "good parents" and other major objectives in life are classified order. The results showed that "goodParents "are the most sought after after 80, 52% of the 80 that it is" most important "goal in life;" successful marriage "came in second, 30% say" most important "; came in third

Is "helping others", 21% considered the "most important"; "buy" to 20% of the "most important" support for placing him fourth; Next "religious life" and "paid work" tied Fifth, each received 15% "most important" recognition rate; at the bottom is the "fame" and only 1% of the 80 concluded that "fame" is the most important thing, and another 3% of the 80 that It is "very important", 86% of the vast majority think that "not important" or "not important."

These data indicate that the pursuit of U.S. 80 after the first of the family and responsibility, not money, fame and status. Pew research method is a sample survey is a quantitative sub-Analysis, the samples are limited, the result is accurate, it is difficult to determine one hundred percent.

However, if the working and living in the United States, it is not difficult from the "qualitative" feel the level of these Values, surging in the mainstream of society.

